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Rare Wild Free™


Come along with me.

On Adventure

Explore the Wild of your Soul

Become Free

Be Rare

Be Wild

Be Free


Sign up While Spaces Are Available

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Illuminated 11

Where the Ancient meets the Future, and your Present benefits!

Illuminated 11 Mastermind Group

-Weekly 1:1 Coaching

-Group Online Mastermind

-Quarterly Financial Mini-Class

-All Programs

-First Access to Hawaii Soul Retreat

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 1:1 Coaching 

- 6 Months Private Coaching 

- 12 Months Private Coaching 

- Illuminated-11 All Inclusive Coaching & Mentorship Annual Package 

- Q4 W-Quantum Wealth

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Excellence Mentoring 1:1

Start Saying Yes to Your Dreams!

This service is, hands down, the most popular among my clients, as I share with you, and work with you 1:1, with the keys to lead a happier, more joyful, wealthy life! After just one session you will begin to feel the momentum. "We Build Dreams Here!" Click here to schedule your first free complimentary 30 minute session!

Join the Joy! 

Image by Austin Schmid

Acsoulerate Masterclass

Acsoulerate Your Life!


Join me in capturing the magic of your life!

Join The Joy!

Acsoulerate Your Success!

Live with Fulfillment!

Through Transformational conversation, we are the power of our words.

Take your power back and learn to use it as a powerful tool for Greatness.

- Share in insights, strategies, methods, and Mysteries for navigating the new feminine paradigm.

- Overcoming fear and Obliterating it’s block on our goals and the paths to our dreams!

- Embracing your feminine Magic! The gift that is your key to unlocking your greatest gifts and dreams!

Join my private online group on FB and get updates on live mini masterclasses and offerings there.


Intuition Blueprint Masterclass

Learn to Navigate Intuitively

Intuition is the voice of Wisdom. Learn to discern how to harness it as the most powerful tool in your Soul Action.

Image by Ray S

Soul Home Masterclass

Discovering Purpose

Unless you are aware of how and what you want your soul home to look and feel like, it is impossible to find it, or embark on it's construction. Let me help you determine the blueprint for your soul home.

Image by Ashley Batz

Self Archeology Masterclass


Unearthing your Treasure

Learn to access your own personal archeological soul record to map your path forward.

Image by Aron Visuals


Learn to Collapse Time 

Many people look at time as a fixed point, but in actuality it is completely malleable, and better yet, we already possess access to the very tools to speed up our successes, dreams, and goals!

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Women's Introductory Wealth Mastery

The Energy Behind Wealth Mastery

Wealth, is far more than just money.

It is happiness, fulfillment, health, and yes money.

Money is an energetic power that arrives via energy and is expended via energy.

How we attract it, use it, and share it, is essential to creating more of it, in faster and exponentially easier ways and times.

Join me in learning about the ways you have been passing the energetics of wealth up and missing the signs that it is in front of you for you to harness, use, and create a better life for you and everyone you love.

Image by Jeremy Bishop

2023 Water Goddess Retreat

Hawaiian Islands

Join us in refreshing, refueling, and celebrating the beauty of self-care as we retune our lives and souls in the waters of the Pacific. Beachside accommodations, crystal bowl dolphin activation, high vibrational cleansing foods, and a peaceful paradise of finding your center for 2023 and beyond.


Roots & Fire

Women's Sacred Circle Facilitator

This Sacred Circle is a favorite among many of my clients, peers, and friends. 

Join us as we casually gather around a blazing bonfire, under the stars, to celebrate the mystery and wisdom of being women. Drum journey, discussion, friendship, and wholesome nourishment at each gathering. 

©2024 Amy Darian Ramsey

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